
Samantha X

by hRc , at 12.22.00
Today I'm interviewing someone I've admired for a long time. She is a savvy business woman, a true professional, sophisticated beyond words and as beautiful as you could ever imangine. She's the amazing Samantha X
JJ: Welcome to Inside the Porn. I'm nervous interviewing you today. I've been looking forward to this for so long. 

How did you get into the adult industry? 

Samantha: Intrigue. I interviewed strippers years ago when I was a journalist and was fascinated by their secret world. They were all smart professional educated women. It challenged my preconceptions and I realised the sex industry for a lot of women was not about exploitation but empowerment. 

JJ: That's a great way to have gotten into it. You've stimulated your intrigue and followed it to see for yourself what it's about. 

What's the best thing about the adult industry? 

Samantha: The power, the money but more importantly the flexibility. As a single mother, that is the biggest drawcard. Plus I love men and love their company and I do genuinely feel warm inside when I know I’ve somehow made a man feel better about themselves for whatever reason.

JJ: That speaks volumes about the kind of person you are. Obviously you were made for this industry. 

What's the worst thing about the adult industry? 

Samantha: The fact I struggle to have relationships while working, and the stigma although I have not experienced any. 

JJ: Well all you need to find is a man who maybe ... I don't know perhaps interviews people in the industry and could accept what you do?? Now who do I know like that?? Hmmmmmmm haha. 
What's the funniest thing that's happened to you whilst working?

Samantha: A client - a tennis fan --made me wear a tennis jacket and headband with Roger Federer’s name on it and when we had sex, I had to yell “Go Federer!” He was very serious about Federer and worshipped him, and I spent the night trying not to laugh.  

JJ: Haha that's brilliant. I'd have really struggled not to have laughed Hun. 

What are you up to workwise at the moment? 

Samantha: Still escorting, and running my escort agency Samantha X Angels and writing my second book

JJ: I'll wait for my signed copy of book one and two hehe. 

Where's the best place for people to find you online? 

Samantha: Twitter @Samanthax_real,  Facebook (Samantha X)  on my Instagram (samanthaxofficial) and my website

JJ: Guys if you want blowing away then follow Samantha on her social media. She's amazing. 

What's the best thing about sex? 

Samantha: The best thing about sex is the intimacy it can bring, of two humans connecting. 
What's your personal biggest turn on? 

Samantha: Biggest turn on is a confident, kind man with big arms who knows how to talk dirty

JJ: Are you deliberately describing me just to try to make me blush?? Haha. 

The super important question now. No messing around, what's your favourite film? 

Samantha: Either Heat (for Val Kilmer) or Magnolia (for the soundtrack and different layers to it)

JJ: Good answers. You'll be relieved to know we can still get married

Where's your favourite place to go on holiday? 

Samantha: Anywhere as long as it's with my children. I have two kids who are the loves of my life. My ex and I do 50% custody and I love every single delicious moment with them. 

JJ: Tell me one thing about yourself I wouldn't know just by looking at you?

Samantha: That I had a stroke when I was 30! I was then diagnosed with a hole in my heart which is now fixed but I have a device in my heart. 

JJ: Wow I'd have never guessed that. I'm blown away to be honest. Takes a strong woman to get through that. 
What's been your biggest achievement in life or work so far? 

Samantha: No doubt writing my first book and getting it published was a huge achievement.

JJ: I'm in the process of doing that myself. I know how hard a journey that is. 

What's been the biggest thing you've had to overcome? 

Samantha: Anxiety. I used to have awful anxiety and panic attacks. Some days I couldn’t leave the house. I’ve resigned from jobs because of my anxiety. But with the right medication and therapy, I can control it now. Leading an authentic life helps too.

JJ: I'm so glad to hear you have that under control. I'm also impressed about you talking about it too. 

What's been the nicest thing a fan has ever done for you? 

Samantha: I don’t know about best but this is bizarre: A man once came up to me in the street as he recognised me from the TV and gave me a massive plate of cooked meats! (he worked for Primo!) “You’re that brave lady from the TV!” He said handing me a plate of ham and salami. My dogs were delighted. 

JJ: You're right that is one of the most bizarre stories ever. Lucky dogs though. 

What advice would you give to someone getting into the adult industry? 

Samantha: My advice would be don’t start too young. This job is addictive. The fast cash, easy hours, and it’s easy to get hooked. Have a career, education, maybe even kids before you start this because once you’ve started, it is near impossible to get out. Always have a plan B and something to fall back on if you want to get out of the industry. 

JJ: That's some interesting and useful advice Hun. People should consider that. 
What do you think you'll do if you ever leave the industry? 

Samantha: I think even if I stop escorting, I will always be in the industry in some shape or form. I love this industry and would miss it if I left. But if I did leave, it would be to marry a billionaire and live happily ever after! Oh, that’s a myth? Dammit! I'd carry on writing books and columns for the newspapers then!

Finally, what's the weirdest rumour you've ever heard about yourself? 
Samantha: The weirdest thing someone has written about me was a comment under one of my newspaper columns: “Is it me or is Samantha X looking more and more like a man.."

JJ: I can chime in on that .... the answer is no. You are not looking like a man in any way possible haha

Thank you for being with me today. It's been an honour. I'm looking forward to catching up with you very soon for drinks. 
Samantha X - written by hRc , published at 12.22.00, categorized as Australian , Beautiful , escort , kinky , naughty , Sexy , sophisticated
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