
Ryan Ryder

by hRc , at 12.53.00
Today I'm interviewing one of the most well known male pornstars in the industry. I'm sure you're thinking he had the best job in world, well come read about the real Ryan Ryder and see just how it really is. 
JJ: Welcome to Inside the Porn, It's an absolute pleasure to have you with us today. 

How did you get into the adult industry? 

Ryan: It was kind of a random situation, where along with my wife Jasmine Jae, who of course is now a massive success in her own right in Porn, got to hear about the industry via a very well known pornstar in the form of Keiran Lee. We were both at a crossroads in already successful previous careers, but we were at a point in our life where we were ready for something new. 

JJ: Well Jasmine has appeared on the blog previously and I'm hoping we get to feature you both together soon. We must of course thank Kieran Lee for leading you and Jasmine into the world of porn. 
What's the best thing about the industry?

Ryan: For me the chance to perform in various different projects and to travel all round the world. It's also nice to be in charge of your own rates, who you work with etc instead of clocking in 9 til 5 every day because you get told to, I have never been in that kind of job and don't think I ever could. A lot of the girls I work with are really amazing at their job and a pleasure to work with and be on set with it's great when you can make a fantastic scene with a girl where you both have the same end game in mind and have some chemistry on set and perform a brilliant porn scene. I also love acting as a trained actor so feature let me perform so many cool parts, more so than in my "vanilla" acting career! 

JJ: It sounds like you have found your true calling, being able to do porn but also dabble in mainstream acting is definitely a bonus. Gives you the chance to explore your talents. 
What's the worst thing about the industry? 

Ryan: I was fortunate to have help at the ground floor from people like Keiran Lee and the U.K. Director DiSanto who both gave me so much help and work and advice when frankly I didn't know what the hell I was doing! As a result both myself and Jasmine over the years have followed that lead by trying to help new talent coming through but what  you can find in this industry (unfortunately!) is the gossip, negativity and nasty things being said about you from either the people you have helped get work before, people who are jealous of what you have done, or others who frankly have just came in to the industry and we don't even know or have spoken to. This is the nasty side of this business that I would see eradicated I would see a better support network but that will never happen anytime soon without a big change in mentality what with competition for jobs and popularity etc so we always try and distance ourselves from this but believe me it always gets noted and never gets forgotten!
The other thing I wish I could impress more on certain performers coming through is to stop charging ridiculous, obscenely low rates just to work scenes, they will never make a good living out of it, producers and directors will take it of course because it's good business sense (I would do exactly the same with a producer hat on working a budget!), I am lucky to be able to work regularly for a respectable rate but I have to say this new generation is really harming the professional talent pool as a whole, this is a damn hard profession believe me so both girls AND guys deserve to be paid accordingly if they are doing a good job, (there is no Boy/Girl scenes without the boys). Unfortunately there are those who can't manage or market themselves properly and others who are basically fan boys and think with their dicks and just want to fuck these girls. Sad but true. 

JJ: I couldn't have said that better myself. 

What's the funniest thing to happen whilst working?

Ryan: I worked with a brand new housewife, really hot girl for Private, she had never done a porn scene before but was really into shooting one but her husband was there also and just sat in the corner of the room watching!, they were a really nice couple to be fair so don't know if it qualifies as funniest but was certainly unique, she seemed to have a good time though! 
JJ: What are you doing now work wise? 

Ryan: Producing/directing/performing a new series along with Jasmine that I can't say too much about til its launched  but is for one of the very popular sites so it's just a new concept so Jas and I are on board with it and excited to work this as well as our usual performing for other companies
Also shooting all round Europe and UK so just happy to be busy and working.

JJ: It's no surprise you're so busy and in demand. Your work is first rate. 

Where can people find you online? 

Ryan: You can find me on Twitter @RyanRyderXXX

JJ:  What's the best thing about sex? 

Ryan: On set -hanging out with my favourite people, the cool acting stuff, the great scenes with the top talent and of course the pop shot when you have done your job!

At home - that would be telling
JJ: What really turns you on? 

Ryan: Kissing, eye contact, people who are into it, and then the odd left field comment/performance from girls who surprise you in a great way

JJ: The make or break question, what's your favourite film?

Ryan: Big movie fan so too many to mention, love movies, good Netflix series and football.

JJ: I'm very similar. Too many great films exist to name favourites. 

What's you favourite holiday destination?

Ryan: Again too many to name a favourite, New York, Vegas, Mexico, Dubai, Camping up north, to name a few

JJ: Amazing destinations there. I'm still waiting to go to Dubai. 

Tell me one thing about yourself that people would never know by looking at you?

I don't have any toe nails on my big toes, so much football over the years called for their removal! I think of it as evolution. 

JJ: I'm also missing a toenail for the exact same reason. 
What's been your biggest achievement in work? 

Ryan: Just working regular for 5 years and getting around the world for so many companies is the biggest achievement as in this business for guys; regular performance and flexibility is key. Also it was nice Winning best parody actor for XBIZ awards in LA 2016, for my role as Peter Pan for Axel Braun.  it's tough for Europeans to get recognised out there and also winning PRP best male performer for the UK awards 2016 was amazing.

JJ: Well I have to say you deserved your awards because you have done an amazing job in everything I've seen.
What's the best thing a fan has ever done?

Ryan: Vote for me in awards categories, send me nice comments on my movies, just little nice things every day are much appreciated, anyone likes to be told they are good at their job, some people buy me stuff but I don't expect that I am just glad people enjoy my movies

JJ: What's one bit of advice for anyone wanting to get into the adult industry? 

Ryan: Probably don't lol, that's the honest truth, I would hate to be a young newcomer boy or girl coming into this industry right now you have to be a top performer, motivated and lucky now to "make it big" and with any longevity so it's a huge decision to get into porn, once you are out there you are out there so either come into it for the long term 100 percent or don't do it. 

JJ: I hope people read that if they're considering joining the industry as it's a stark reminder of how things can be.  
What do you think you'll do after you leave the industry? 

Ryan: Retire. It's important to save your money and have a plan, I had a good career before porn so I am old enough and smart enough to be as motivated as I can to be the best I can be for the next say 10 years and then start to wind things down

JJ: It's good to see you're planning ahead more people should follow your example. 

What's one question you get asked most of all as a male pornstar?

"You must love your job fucking all these girls man! Best job in the world sign me up!!!" . If only they could see the everyday workings of it haha. I always would invite them to come and go for it. 99.9 percent love the fantasy of it but would fail miserably,  some new guys come in and do well for a few months while it's all exciting then realise you need more than to ride on that to do this job long term. that's not me being big headed or egotistical at all but that is just the reality of our job whenever Interview I try to be honest. it's a tough job for dudes and it's a big ask to do this day in day out when you have camera guys all over you during performing plus producers/directors/talent and companies depending on you to produce or the day is a disaster and a lot of people lose money.

"Would I consider gay porn" lol. (That answer is no by the way) but I love all my fans straight, gay or otherwise for sure!
JJ: That's what I thought they'd be asking, it's great that you're honest about things. It's very helpful to people to see the hard work involved. 
 If you weren't in the adult industry what do you think you'd be doing? 

Still acting and singing on the UK circuit, I did that for 15 years and had a blast but now I perform with my cock instead of my voice but it's a similar deal for me, 

JJ: I'm not surprised you did singing and liked performing. It's amazing that your need to entertain has led you here. 

20. Is the industry easier or harder for a male performer and why? 

Well it's a big challenge for guys and girls! For guys mainly to keep their cock hard of course aside from everything else, I am never going to say I have a 100 percent record on set after hundreds and hundreds of scenes over 5 years but frankly any guy that says that is a massive lier lol ,what I will say is that I am very proud of my consistency on set over the years for all these companies who hire me and pay me and hopefully most girls and directors would agree with me, 
Girls also have a really tough job also, some people think they just "lube up and fake it till you make it" but they they have pretty girls, solo sets, make up, endless body angles posing to look at their sexy maximum, be awesome with the guys to keep them going, do more of the work in certain positions, have to be "turned on and hot" for camera no matter what time of the month it is and deal with constant dick pics and harrasment on social media! lol. It's a tough job for us all but also a really great job with great moments if you are commited and are lucky enough to be a part of the best parts of this crazy industry

JJ: Fantastic answers Ryan. You've given everyone and insight into what makes you tick. I look forward to catching up soon. 
Ryan Ryder - written by hRc , published at 12.53.00, categorized as handsome , horny , naughty , pornstar , Sexy , stud
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