
Aly Chenkova

by hRc , at 05.23.00
Well when it comes to sexy, enhanced and naughty women, this woman is up at the top of the pack. She is here today to let you know more about her. She is the sexy Aly Chenkova. 

JJ: Welcome to Inside the Porn. It's not often I get someone with me that is as happy and smiling as you. 

How did you get into the industry? 

Aly: To be honest with you I was always fascinated by porn and all its lights. It started early when I was a teen and first watched a porn clip with my first boyfriend, I think it all started right there. I imagined myself pleasing others and having fun with them whilst someone is filming me. I don't know... that image got stuck in my head until I was 20 and started being a glamour, alternative model and doing photoshoots for quite a few porn agencies. Always felt very sexual and confident in my own skin. Sex is one of the best things in the world! Thats for sure.

JJ: That's a great reason to work you way into the industry. It's clear you have a passion for it. 

What's the best thing about the industry? 

Aly: All the glamour, make up, shoes, lingerie... and you can meet absolutely amazing people. Travelling is a big plus as well.

JJ: The industry opens up a lot of opportunities if you work hard. Obviously you already know that. 

What's the worst thing about the industry? 

Aly: There are not many things I have to say against this industry but I guess the stigma is still present in our society, Doesn't bother me to be honest but definitely is something people should overcome.

JJ: I couldn't agree more. I wish people would just appreciate the industry for what it is. 

What the funniest thing to happen to you whilst working? 

Aly: Oh dear... well quiet a few I should say. one of those funny, embarrassing  moments was when I was making out with this guy and the bed beneath us broke in pieces and we found ourselves rolling around the studios floor dragging some studio lights with us! Or when I tripped over whilst having a photoshoot... all very embarrassing. 

JJ: Sounds like you had fun during that shoot even if you did break the bed haha. 

What are you doing now work wise? 

Aly: I am more focused in glamour modelling at the moment and making my social media grow so I can reach more and more people in time and share my work and hopefully my website will come up soon!

Where can people find you online? 

Aly: Snapchat: @alychen777

Instagram: & @alychen7

Twitter: @alychen7

Tumblr: @alychen777 

JJ: Guys if you're not following her I suggest you do so as she is amazing and her private snapchat is too good for words. Well worth the money. 

What's the best thing about sex? 

Aly: Really?! Hahaha I guess everything! I love sex obviously otherwise wouldn't do what I do for a living. I am a very horny girl... get turned on easily and I never say no to new experiences. 

JJ: What really turns you on? 

Aly: Strong manly hands. Strong arms... Tall fit man. When a man knows how to grab me by the hips with a very strong grip and pulls me against the wall and show me how strong and alpha male he can be. Roughness. That turns me on like nothing else. I will leave the romance and roses and nice words to someone else! Skipping that part!

JJ: Well I'm sure there are no shortage of men willing to give you that haha. 

The most important question now, what's your favourite film? 

Aly: Mmmm... I am a movie junky! I love Quentin Tarantino so all his movies are the bomb. But I love paranormal and horror movies also. Such as The Conjuring and Insidious. I did like Lord of the Rings too. 

JJ: Great taste in films. I'm struggling to find a flaw in you so far haha. 

Where do you like to go on holiday? 

Aly: I just love LA, Las Vegas and going on cruises all the time! So hit me on my social media and lets go for a trip!

JJ: Haha I'm sure people will be offering to take you all over the world. 

Tell me one thing about yourself that I wouldn't know just by looking at you? 

Aly: Well...I am an opera singer. I have a Human Resources degree. I love Musicals and painting. I Still love to study History and Art. I am an excellent cook and speak 5 different languages... I have a huge collection of latex and high heels

JJ: Wow, you have so much about you that people would never know. You're a fount of surprises. 

What's been your biggest achievement so far? 

Aly: Biggest achievement so far was moving my ass to do something for myself whilst I was still very young. Move countries and start my career in UK, London, That changed my life for sure. I am always trying to improve myself so thats a non stop work. Work wise its just getting better and better.

JJ: What's been the biggest thing you've had to overcome? 

Aly: Well that one is really personal. I would say I am still traumatised by what my parents did to me and my brother. It's horrible when both of your parents are just horrible, sick people. Be happy and appreciate the lovely parents you have if you still have them. I feel sad when I think I never had a normal family. That is messed up but guess what? Me and my brother we are strong and educated people. Very honest and kind. We made it! I am proud of us.Thats the best part of it all. Being strong and united no matter what.

JJ: You've become a very strong and intelligent woman and even though your childhood was traumatic you've not let it stop you from becoming successful. I'm very impressed. 

What's the best thing a fan has ever done for you? 

Aly: Oh thats a very good question! So many fans made collages of me and my work, paintings, sent me emails and letters saying how inspiring and lovely I am! That makes me happy you guys are happy and appreciate my work! And one fan that is actually now a good friend of mine even bought the laptop and got me some Louboutins, dresses, amazon gifts... you guys are all amazing.

JJ: Wow, it appears you have some amazing fans who really love your work. 

What's one piece of advice would you give to someone getting into the industry? 

Aly: Well it needs to be something you really want to do. You have to be clever as well not just glamorous and good looking. You have to be careful with scammers, With nasty people trying to get advantage of you. That will happen if you are not aware and know how to deal with odd situations in a clever way. 
So be sure and be aware of the nasties. people will judge you but if it really is something you wanna do... just do it! Be yourself. be happy. 

JJ: That's fantastic advice babe. I think everyone should follow that for sure. 

What do you think you'll do once you leave the industry? 

Aly: I will definitely cruise all the time, travel a lot and enjoy life with my brother and friends.

JJ: That's a great way to spend your time  after you retire. 

Finally, what's the weirdest rumour you've heard about yourself? 

Aly: I don't know really... I haven't heard anything unusual ...yet! haha 

JJ: Hopefully it'll stay that way babe. You're stunning and lovely so I can't imagine anything being said about you. 

It's been an absolute pleasure to have you with me. You've been a pleasure to interview and I look forward to seeing even more of your work soon. 

Aly Chenkova - written by hRc , published at 05.23.00, categorized as Glamour model , horny , kinky , pornstar , Sexy
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